May 7, 2009


some people think they are in love with someone, but they are really total jerks!!!

girls in my grade are starting to go cookoo over some boy. but what they really are is..
"they are more in LOVE like the feeling of being in LOVE" -quote by my mom
i think that is a true statment even though i like to have boyfriends and crushes on guys.
that is soooo fun to do even thoguh we dont go on official 'dates' we just hang out and stuff

my point is, people shouldnt drop everything and look for a boyfriend/girlfriend. you should focus on school but still have time to think about relationships.


  1. So true. We dont really know what love is yet but we think we do.....I love your moms quote, it captures the truth perfectly! Way to sing girl. xoxo Marie

  2. Katie you are a great biffle and don't let your opinoins fall to others. You stick by me through thick and thin. I have published our post and written who it was by Chirp your song. Your estatic biffle, xoxo Marie
