May 24, 2009

True Beauty

Beauty. It's not all in the looks. Beauty isn't how skinny you are, what your hair looks like, or how you dress, true beauty is what's on the inside.

How you treat people. that is one thing that really brings out your true beauty. Also, if you have alot of friends.... for the RIGHT reasons. Like you are true to then like they are to you and you treat them with respect.
Not saying that beauty isn't shown in how you present yourself to the world, but it is more about how people think of you.

if you agree... comment, you will be heard loud and clear.


MY lovey. She is like the person with all my inside jokes. And she and i have the most fun together. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!

while i am writing this, she is playing her key board and i am cracking up because it makes all these sounds, like people yelling, car sounds and stuff! It's so funny! Also......we had a snack about 5 minutes ago and we cracked up over something i did! YOU had to be there !

my lovey is always there for me with good advice and to cheer me up. She is sooooo funny and we trust each other with everything.
(i love how this blog is so different then all the others) if you like it then pliz comment

May 16, 2009


When summer is over you dread it but you are also very, very excited to see your friends. that first day is like the first day of the new chapter in your life. A new grade, a new age, new teachers, and new cloths.

You are so happy that you see all those friends you aren't that close with but love to be around. But usually after the first 2 weeks, it all hits you. You wore all new cloths already and this is actually school, adn your like GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE!

But on the upside, you can also make new friends with people you have never had classes with before, or the new people who moved in over the summer. But most of all you cant wait for the moment that you say...

May 13, 2009


Your day. A day that you can be special and the center of attention.

On your birthday..
you get cards
you get presents
but most of all........ it is the rememberence of the day you were born. That day were your parents looked down at you and say, "This is the most BEAUTIFUL thing I have ever seen" that day were you can bring families together. as you look thorugh your small teeny eyes and observing everything, probebly thinking....
"Wow! i can't wait until my next birthday."

This day shows how much you have grown, and matured through the year. With every new age, comes a new privelage. So you shouldn't take advantage of it.

May 8, 2009

My best friend!

Ok, so there is this girl, and she is like my BEST friend.

Well she is this awesome friend! She is soooo smart and i love to be around her. All of my friends lately have been getting in little cat fights and she isn't the one to take sides. We always have a blast, she is probebly about the nicest person i know. I love her adnd she has tought me some valuable things.

Hey everyone, if you have a friend that you absolutly love and wanna tell us about them, then speak up and talk your mind! We will be listening.



Most people are great, on the inside but.......

Other people dont give tem a chance. Why is that? oh ya! i remember! Because this ocuntry is FULL of stereotypical people. We judge people too easily! Somepeople's self esteem are ruined forever. We do this because we all think that we have tonly hang out with the"coolest" people, by there looks. But what i dont get is...... you should give everyone a chance! they are probebly a really fun person to be around.

If people dont like to hang out with you because of stereotypes..... post you story! I'll know what you are talking about. Dont be afraid.

May 7, 2009

Let Freedom Ring

America. A country founded by our fathers in the mentality of freedom.

Countries across the globe dissapear from their cages only to get to America, land of freedom. They want to be unleashed and let their freedom ring. But is America itself free?

We have the freedom to vote, freedom to have an education, and we have the freedom of speech. We have the freedom of speech, yet we drown in the waves of judgement and choke on our own words. Proving our freedom only takes one thought ,one opinion, one word outspoken on the lands of our fathers. Yet America the land of the free isn't free. As we the people pass judgment on others allowing them to cave in and so they go through life as an expectation. Come on America, let freedom ring.Opinons? State them loud and clear. Chirp your song.

Wrtten by: and


some people think they are in love with someone, but they are really total jerks!!!

girls in my grade are starting to go cookoo over some boy. but what they really are is..
"they are more in LOVE like the feeling of being in LOVE" -quote by my mom
i think that is a true statment even though i like to have boyfriends and crushes on guys.
that is soooo fun to do even thoguh we dont go on official 'dates' we just hang out and stuff

my point is, people shouldnt drop everything and look for a boyfriend/girlfriend. you should focus on school but still have time to think about relationships.

friends or not

Friends are supposed to be there for you. Through thick and thin, hard times and bad, and for multiple problems.
When you and your biffles have been there with you since kindergarten, shouldn't they stay that way? i mean you have so much in common but they start to hang out with the "in crowd" and only hang out with you alone. most of my friends stay true to me, and have stayed that way since we were six years old.

one of the very First friends i had, was amazing and halarious until she moved back to her home town in Illinois. she moved back a few years ago and we chilled for awhile. But now that we are getting older, she thinks we shouldn't hang out together. she didnt tell me that directly, and not in so many words. now that she is hangin out with all the "populars" (which just think they are) we have drifted apart.

but all my other friends are the most kind and funny people i ever met!!!!
LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!! <33